
Brush 462
Is a Chevrolet K30 brush truck that is capable of carrying 250 gallons of water. It has a 100 foot booster reel and additional forestry hose to extinguish difficult to access fires.

Engine 461
Is a 1992 Seagrave fire engine capable of carrying 750 gallons of water. It has over 3,500 feet of supply hose, 100 feet of firefighting hose, and many different tools on board to respond to a wide variety of emergencies. It is capable of not only responding to fires but motor vehicle collisions and emergency medical calls.

Utility 463
Is a 2003 Ford Excursion that carries medical equipment and other equipment to retrieve persons in normally inaccessible areas. It primarily is used to respond on general emergency medical calls, to provider advanced life support personnel to scenes, and to provide support on incidents.
Medic 465
Is new to our fleet; a 2015 Ford F-450 Lifeline ambulance that is capable of providing basic life support and advanced life support.

Special Unit 468
Is a 2004 Ford F-550 Super Heavy Duty that carries 350 gallons of water and 25 gallons of foam. This vehicle not only carries water & foam but also has a 525 gallon per minute pump and a portable 1000 gallon tank to support fire operations in areas fire engines can not reach. This vehicle also has a light tower, portable lighting, and equipment to support emergency medical services and fire operations.

Utility 467
Is new to our fleet; a 2017 Chevrolet 1500 that carries medical equipment, forcible entry tools, and other equipment to support fire operations in normally inaccessible areas. It primarily is used to respond on general emergency medical calls, to provider advanced life support personnel to scenes, deliver fire equipment to scenes, and to provide support on incidents.